Post — A Parallel System

Unless you have been under a rock for the last month, you have heard about a book and documentary released by David Rogers Webb called the Great Taking. It is a fascinating and deeply disturbing insight into the strategic architecture of the sociological / economic control machine that is central banking. If you were under a rock, here is the TLDR version:

(Don’t Trust this Verify for yourself by watching the documentary or reading the book, both of which are free): David Rogers Webb’s book, The Great Taking, aims to explain the end game of a globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle, whereby central banks will take collateral from people on a scale of the likes never seen before in history. This great taking will encompass securities, bank deposits and private property financed with any amount of debt. Webb suggests that the foundations of this plan have come about through private control of central banks in the hands of very few people, permitting control of political parties, militaries, corporations and nations. The execution of this plan has involved long-term changes to legislation and regulation and will be facilitated by new innovations that consolidate central bank power and control. Webb believes that our current economic circumstances set the stage for this great taking, beginning with the bursting of our unprecedented “Everything Bubble”.

Today I watched an interview with David Rogers Webb hosted by Daniela Cambone which dove further into the topic. Of everything that was discussed one quote really stood out to me - ”Why did they take all the gold? So, there could not be a parallel system that would develop without them, that would run without them. That is what people have to understand about this. They will crush everything in order to restart where they control everything they could not control”. This is the key insight, this is their playbook strategy, and this is why Bitcoin is so important.

For the first time in human history an individual without permission from anyone can join the Bitcoin network, acquire bitcoin and send any amount at any time to anyone else in the world. The Bitcoin network is the parallel system for storing and exchanging value. The big question is how do we stop them from crushing it?

In my house we think and talk about bitcoin A LOT. Podcasts, videos, blogs, meet ups and orange pilling pretty much anyone and everyone who’s attention we can hold. So, it is safe to say that I think about Bitcoin a lot and I have made Bitcoin principals fundamental to my life in both my work and my hobbies. Accordingly, Bitcoin is not all rosy to me - I see risks, potential flaws, bottlenecks, cliques, personalities, competing agendas etc. etc. In fact, I believe that the single biggest vulnerability to Bitcoin is people and the single biggest threat to people is fear - False Evidence Appearing Real.

Fear also happens to be the most effective method of control in the swarm’s arsenal. Who is the swarm? Check out this great explanation by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai and then move right into his SYSTEMS SCIENCE explaining “How The Swarm KILLS You” (how they achieve their depopulation control mechanism of their larger agenda). While many may wish to forget the use of FEAR during the covid lockdowns, the fact is they shut down the world with it and convinced us (well actually most of you) to IMPRISON yourselves.

So, what does this have to do with Bitcoin? Well, we know they cannot allow a parallel system, we know they use fear to manipulate us, and we know they drive this manipulation via policies and regulations that are purported to “protect” us from the fear they projected upon us. This is the play that is in place with Bitcoin right now in front of our very eyes.

Wait a minute! We have Bitcoin Spot ETFs approved! Billions if not trillions of dollars are coming into the system and we are on the cusp of a big bull market with price predictions of 100k, 500k even a million USD per bitcoin! True all true. The trojan horse looks good, smells good and is evidence that we have won - they finally see it our way and hyperbitcoinization is just around the corner!

The reality is the trojan horse is full of danger, waiting for us to sleep so we can have our throats cut in the night. The masses will buy paper bitcoin - never knowing the freedom of self-custody. The financial intermediaries have gained their beachhead and they will dig in hard to cement themselves as the gatekeepers. They will lobby for laws and regulations that make self-custody difficult to impossible if not outright illegal. The regulators will support the institutions over the people all in the name of protecting us from ourselves (same old playbook). The institutions will suck up every single BTC they can get their hands on as will the nation states that are in place to protect them with their laws and their military.

Then, once they have consolidated their position in the single hardest money every created by man, they will bring the current economy down entirely. NO ONE will have any money; every bank will fail and any private property encumbered by debt will be SEIZED including your paper bitcoin. The only thing that will NOT be cancelled is your debts. All this so they can prop up a NEW “synthetic” system that they back with bitcoin and front with CBDC’s. Bitcoin for me and digital currency control for thee.

While this all sounds pretty gloomy and it is, it is NOT inevitable. The inflection point is right now, and we can choose a different reality. The key is to keep the parallel Bitcoin network in the hands of the public and to not participate in the paper bitcoin financialization agenda. EVERY HOUSEHOLD should run a bitcoin validation node and EVERY HOUSEHOLD should run a bitcoin miner with the most amount of hash power that makes sense for their circumstances. As Whitney Webb has clearly stated we have to take a side - we have to choose privacy, self-sovereignty and freedom or we choose slavery.

Bitcoin is public infrastructure; it belongs to the people of the world who use it. We have to choose to keep it public, decentralized and separate. Game on!